Friday, December 07, 2007

Republicans take another look at John McCain?

The Economist has an article on John McCain today that ends as follows:

There are signs that Republicans are swallowing their doubts about Mr McCain. He is gaining some momentum in New Hampshire (he is barely campaigning in Iowa because he has long ridiculed the absurd ethanol subsidies with which many farmers there line their pockets). The New Hampshire Union Leader gave him a ringing endorsement this week. He is creeping back up the polls nationally, and is now coming second to Mr Giuliani. Republicans need to keep swallowing. Mr McCain is surely worth another look.

(To read the entire article click on the title for a link)

Then this from today's Wall Street Journal:

With one month to go before the Jan. 8 primary here ( New Hampshire), polls show the presidential hopeful regaining some of the ground he lost during the summer because of his support of an immigration bill and his campaign's collapse amid disorganization and poor fund-raising.

Now, Mr. McCain's chief rivals are running into turbulence. Mitt Romney has been overtaken in the polls in Iowa by Mike Huckabee, raising broader concerns about Mr. Romney's viability among the evangelical base. (Please see related article on Page A6.) Rudy Giuliani faces new questions about his ethics as mayor. Fred Thompson continues to be dogged by doubts about his energy for the fight.

All of that may be prompting Republicans to give Mr. McCain a second look -- particularly in New Hampshire. He recently won the endorsement of the state's largest newspaper. And on a weeklong campaign swing this week, he is drawing capacity crowds at the diners and townhall meetings where much of state's campaigning takes place.

Can John McCain be this electrons "Come Back kid"? He has faced greater odds before.... see picture above of his capture in North Vietnam when his navy plane was shot down. Polls over at Real Clear are now showing him as having the best chance to beat Hillery if he can get the Republican nomination. I like the Man and his history.