I am a sucker for Time/Life's compilations of popular music from the 1950's,1960's and 1970's in CD sets. I have bought "Malt Shop Memories,(1950's) The "Folk Years" (late 1950' & early 1960's) "Singers and Songwriters"(1970's) and a few weeks ago I bought "Flower Power" (late 1960's to early 1970's) The sets are a quality selection of original songs by original artist from the time period that takes me back to my youth. It's great music to listen to as I work around the house or listen to on a road trip in the car. I like to listen to the music on the three hour trips to Eugene for Oregon football games.I remember when I was a kid my Uncle Herman and my folks had compilations of "The Big Band Sound" of their youth in the 1940's. Of course those were records. I bought the "Flower Power" CD set after watching a Time/Life infomercial on TV with an older Peter Fonda who looked like he wished he was someplace else. Hey, you sold out to the "man" man. Someone on another blog pointed out how much Peter is looking like his dad Henry, receding hair line and all.I hope my set arrives by Saturday so I can play it on the way to Eugene to watch the Ducks.
From the ad for the "Flower Power" CD set:
"It started in San Francisco, came of age at Woodstock, and changed us and the world forever. Time Life presents Flower Power: Music of the Love Generation. You will hear hits from the most impressionable artists of the '60s and '70s including: The Mamas and the Papas, The Byrds, The Youngbloods, Jefferson Airplane, and many more.
Includes 2 FREE Bonus CDs: Summer of Love plus a groovy collector's box."
(click on the title for a link to the Time Life site to order your own set)