Monday, November 28, 2005

Ducks & The Bowl Projections

Following the Thanksgiving weekend the major media outlets, have updated their college bowl projections and the results as far as the Oregon Ducks are concerned are summarized as follows:

Media Outlet----------- Holiday Bowl------------------ -Fiesta Bowl

CBS-----------------------Ducks vs. Oklahoma**------------ ND vs. OSU**

College Football----------- Ducks vs. Oklahoma------------- ND vs. OSU (also Fox sports)

USA Today---------------- Ducks vs. Oklahoma*-------------ND vs. OSU

SI/ CNN-------------------Ducks vs.Oklahoma------------- ND vs. OSU

MSNBC-------------------- Ducks vs. Colorado-------------- ND vs. OSU

ESPN*---------------------Ducks vs. Oklahoma-------------ND vs. OSU

COLLEGEBCS.COM*-------Ducks vs. Oklahoma-------------ND vs. OSU

Having watched these type of projections for many year I have found the CBS & College Football the most accurate and updated the most often.

For a link to the CBS projection click on the title above.

* updated 11/30/05

** updated 12/1/05