Thursday, November 17, 2005

Civil War Week ( 3 Days to Go)

THE OREGON CLUB OF SOUTHERN OREGON held their Civil War luncheon yesterday at the Red Lion in Medford. Over 100 Duck fans showed up at the luncheon. The day before only 50 Beaver fans showed up for a similar Civil War function put on by Oregon State. I helped put on the Duck luncheon and organized and help run the raffle. One of the raffle items was a plain orange tee shirt that we labeled the Beaver Bowl tee shirt. The Beavers need to win against Oregon to be Bowl eligible and the joke is there is no Bowl name on the tee shirt. There were lots of jokes about Oregon State Beavers fondness for sheep. A Drunk Oregon State Football Player was arrested for DUII and in the back of his truck was a sheep he stole from the Oregon State Agricultural barns. Oregon fans who sit on the Oregon State bench side of the field were warned not to wear wool to the game but stick with synthetics. For the Medford Mail Tribune's cleaned up story of the Civil War luncheon click on the title above for a link. Go Ducks... Beat the Beavers.