Since Lee's army is spread-out all over southern Pennsylvania and knowing that a battle is near, Lee based upon the spy's report, tonight orderes that his army concentrate at a small town intersected by 10 road like the spokes of a wheel named...... Gettysburg!
It is 6 days till the 4th of July,1863, the 67 anniversary of Thomas Jefferson's DECLORATION OF INDEPENDANCE. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams have been dead for 37 years and the country they founded is fighting a terrible Civil War over the words:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
This same night a collage professor from a small college in Maine is camped out with the unit he leads, named the 20th Maine. Colonel Joshua Chamberlain gave up his professorship in Maine to fight for the Union and to end slavery. He wrote to the Governor of Maine:
"I fear, this war, so costly of blood and treasure, will not cease until men of the North are willing to leave good positions, and sacrifice the dearest personal interests, to rescue our country from desolation, and defend the national existence against treachery."
He has read 'Uncle Tom's Cabin" written by the wife of a fellow professor at Bowdoin Collage and hates slavery and wants to make the words of the Declaration of Independence true. In the days to come he will get his chance! More about him later.