Sunday, June 23, 2013

Gettysburg 150 Years ago Today Continued

There are reports in Washington  that President Lincoln has lost faith  in General "Fighting" Joe Hooker's leadership of the Union Army of the Potomac after being caught by surprise and defeated at Chancellorsville in Virginia a little more than 7 weeks ago by Confederate General Robert E Lee. However, Lee in that battle lost his best General when "Stonewall" Jackson was killed in a friendly fire incident. Lee is reported to have said after hearing of the loss of Jackson: "I have lost my right arm."

Meanwhile , General Hooker has sent cavalry to western  and  central Maryland to scout out movements of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia to see if he has moved in force across the Potomac River into western Maryland near Hagerstown.  What with Confederate forces clearing the Shenandoah Valley in northwest Virginia of Northern troops he is concerned Lee may be "invading" the North again as he did late last summer at Antietam also in western Maryland.

There are also reports that Lee has weakened his forced between Hooker and the Confederate Capitol of Richmond.  Sources in Hooker's command are theorizing this may be a good time to strike toward Richmond and are drawing up contingency plans.


As a side bar, woman who are camp followers of Hooker's soldiers are getting a new nick name for their profession.   Will this be General Hookers lasting legacy?