President Obama's commander in Afghanistan, General McChrystal in a secret report obtained by the Washington Post is telling the President the United States will lose the war in Afghanistan without more troops. Fancy speeches and staged PR events will not win the war. President Obama what will you do? You can't vote "present" anymore!Remember during the election campaign you told us this was the good war!To read the Washington Post report click on the title for a link.
If we are going to put American soldiers and Marines in harms way we need to give them the reinforcements they need and their commander requests.This is no time to risk American lives by placating the left wing of your party.
PS He will do what liberals always do since Vietnam...... he will cut and run. I hope I am wrong but unless he is willing to make a firm commitment to stand and fight and give our troops what they need he should not put American troops at risk.
From the Weekly Standard:
McChrystal leaves no doubt about what must be done if Obama is to keep his word -- more troops and very soon. The president cannot delay that decision any more -- not for the sake of his health care initiative or anything else. And in any case, as a matter of politics the best thing for Obama and the Democrats is to win the war. Yesterday Obama immodestly compared himself to some of the great presidents of American history. “Maybe you hear what people had to say about Abraham Lincoln, or what they had to say about FDR, or what they had to say about Ronald Reagan when he first came in and was trying to change our approach to government." That answer came in response to a question from George Stephanopoulos about the health care town halls during the August recess. But it wasn't legislative accomplishments that made those men great presidents. It was their decision to commit fully to the major conflicts of the day -- and to win decisively.
Health care reform won't make or break Obama's presidency. The way he conducts the war in Afghanistan will.