Monday, April 12, 2010

It's Hard to be Humble !

From JAMES TARANTO of the Wall Street Journal:

The Web site of Foreign Policy magazine describes an exchange that underscores one of President Obama's least attractive qualities:

Obama said Sunday that the United States is still "working on" democracy and a top aide said he has taken "historic steps" to improve democracy in the United States during his time in office.The remarks came as Obama met with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev. . . .
The presidents had a very lengthy discussion of issues of democracy and human rights," NSC senior director Mike McFaul said on a conference call with reporters Sunday. "Both presidents agreed that you don't ever reach democracy; you always have to work at it. And in particular, President Obama reminded his Kazakh counterpart that we, too, are working to improve our democracy."...McFaul said. "[Obama's] taken, I think, rather historic steps to improve our own democracy since coming to office here in the United States."....

What rankles, though, is Obama's habit of putting down America while praising himself. The laughable assertion that Obama has taken "historic steps to improve our own democracy" shows not humility but an extreme vanity. A truly humble president would occasionally evince some doubt as to whether he is worthy to lead America. Obama seems to doubt whether America is worthy of being led by him.