Sunday, February 10, 2008

"Let's grow up, conservatives,"

In the summer of 1960 I was a kid watching the "gavel to gavel" NBC TV coverage of the Republican Convention in Chicago. At that early age I idolized Vice President Richard Nixon and I knew he would be nominated by by the Republicans to run against John Kennedy in the Fall. As I watched the convention a Senator from Arizona, I had never heard of, took the podium and withdrew his name from nomination and told the conservatives in the Republican Party to "Grow Up" He said: "
We are conservatives, This great Republican Party is our historic house. This is our home.... I am a conservative. I am going to devote all my time from now until November to electing Republicans from the top of the ticket to the bottom of the ticket"

Four year later Barry Goldwater was the nominee of the Republican party and gave birth to the modern conservative movement.

Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh please take note!