Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Rich Galen on Don Rumsfeld

Donald Rumsfeld has been many things:
Active Duty and Reserve Naval Officer
Congressional Staffer
Member of Congress (elected four times)
Assistant and then Counselor to President Nixon
Ambassador to NATO
Chief of Staff for President Ford
Secretary of Defense (Youngest ever)
CEO of G.D. Searle
CEO of General Instruments
Secretary of Defense (Oldest ever)

Here's what Donald Rumsfeld has never been:
Sufferer of fools

it should not be lost on us that anyone who rises in opposition to the Bush Administration is given a platform, a microphone, and a TV camera to give their opinions the widest possible release.

The anti-Bush flavor-of-the week is Donald Rumsfeld.

To read the rest of Rich Galen's column click on the title above for a link