I wish I could say in this summer of our discontent:
"The Union stands as she stood, rock-bottomed and copper-sheathed, one and indivisible."
Abraham Lincoln said:
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free.
Today America is also a house divided against itself. This time it's between those who pay taxes and those who take tax money paid by other. One group does not want any tax increases and the other is dependant on government. As a result our elected leaders have taken the path of least resistance and have incurred horrendous debt which we have borrowed from the Chinese and others.
As usual Victor Davis Hanson says it best when he writes:
About 50 percent of taxpayers don’t pay federal income taxes. Almost half of American adults receive either the majority of or all of their income in some form from government. They are naturally desirous of even more entitlements, in the sense that even higher taxes on the top 5 percent might ensure at least some of the needed revenue to pay for them. And if that echelon must pay 70 percent or 80 percent rather than the present 60 percent of all collected income taxes, it would still not be such a bad thing, inasmuch as the circumstances surrounding their earned income must be somewhat suspicious. In the words of the president, the so-called affluent surely at some point must realize that they have made enough money and have hundreds of thousands in unneeded income that could easily be assessed with higher taxes
The agenda of the poorer and lower-middle classes is championed mostly by an affluent elite located on the two coasts, who find power and influence in representing “the people,” and are themselves either affluent enough, or enjoy enough top government salaries and subsidies, to be largely exempt from any hardship that would result from their own advocacy of much higher taxes and larger government expenditures.....
Behind the current mess and shrill rhetoric in D.C. are these two larger competing visions—the belief that the Obama agenda is the road to serfdom for everyone, and the belief that it will result in a long-overdue equality of result.
I believe it's the road to serfdom and destruction of the Union.
(To read the rest click on the title for a link)