Extinguishing Freedom.........First they came for my light bulbs . . .
Have you tried to find a 100 watt light bulb lately ? Well, there getting harder and harder to find ! People are stocking up and some stores have already stopped stocking them.
Matt Patterson at National Review Online:
in 2007 (Congress) decided to undo Edison’s achievement with the so-called Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. The energy law creates new “efficiency standards” for light bulbs, effectively legislating the old incandescents out of existence starting in January 2012. Stock up now.
It’s for our own good, of course. Elites want us to replace our beloved Edisons with more energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), because, you know, the Earth is warming, maybe. And light bulbs are partly to blame. Or something like that.
Trouble is, CFLs are way more expensive than the old Edisons. They also give off a puny, cold light that brings out every flaw and every pore in your face, so unlike the brilliant warmth of the old bulbs. Oh yeah, and CFLs contain toxic mercury, making a broken bulb, once a simple job for a broom and dustpan, now a chemical-waste hazard. Aren’t you glad Congress is watching out for us?
Sadly, this is a bipartisan travesty
What an appropriate topic for this 4th of July ! In the Declaration of Independence Jefferson wrote:
The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
One of those "usurpations" was:
He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
It's not only light bulbs, Federal, state and local governments are "outlawing" all sorts of our freedoms from plastic bags, what we can buy at McDonald's to a proposed law to outlaw pets in San Francisco. There are new laws requiring us to buy flood
insurance in areas never before facing that requirement and now the law requiring us to buy medical insurance. It is time to say HALT ! Government is closing in on us and slowly strangling us.
Prohibition did not work and I predict there will be a big "black market" for the 100watt regular light bulb.