Saturday, March 31, 2007

From the Neville Chamberlain School of Diplomacy

(Picture below of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain after he returned to England from Munich after selling out Czechoslovakia to Hitler and calling it "peace in our time".)

Max Hastings also of London, writes in today's Oregonian "
We must keep talking to the Iranians offering carrots even when these are contemptuously tossed into the gutter, because there is no credible alternative. Even threats of economic sanctions must be considered cautiously. Their most likely consequence would be to feed Iranian paranoia, to strengthen the hands of Tehran's extremists. is not the American way, but only patience, statesmanship and refusal to respond in kind to outrageous behavior offer a chance of eventually persuading the dangerous nation to join a national universe."

This guy is in la la land! Yes, "peace in our time." I am sure he would have recommended to Reagan that he take out the line from his speech "Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall" when Reagan was at the Berlin Wall before the fall of the Soviet Union.If this guy had been in charge Reagan would never called the Soviet Union the "evil empire". Well, they were evil and Iran is evil!