Republican Senator Judd Gregg from New Hampshire lived up to his states independent nature as exemplified by the state motto, "Life free or die" by withdrawing his nomination to be Barak Obama's Commerce Secretary in the President's cabinet. He issued the following statement:
"However, it has become apparent during this process that this will not work for me as I have found that on issues such as the stimulus package and the Census there are irresolvable conflicts for me. Prior to accepting this post, we had discussed these and other potential differences, but unfortunately we did not adequately focus on these concerns. We are functioning from a different set of views on many critical items of policy.
Unlike the other three Obama nominees that have had to withdraw because of not paying taxes( Nancy Killere and Tom Daschle) or or criminal investigations( Gov Bill Richardson) Senator Gregg withdrew due to policy differences with Obama over the alleged stimulus package and the politicization of the census bureau. Sounds like a "Profile in Courage".
Larry Kudlow of CNBC:
Judd Gregg has more backbone than anyone in politics today. He did his best to cross over and help Pres. Obama. But as Gregg and I discussed in a recent CNBC interview, the senator has a long and outstanding record as a tax-cutter, budget-cutter, deficit-cutter, and debt-cutter. All of these principles have been badly violated in the so-called stimulus package. And of course the White House move to steal the Census Bureau during a crucial political-reapportionment period was a low blow.
But how many major public figures would have simply drawn a line in the sand and said, No, I simply cannot cross that line? That’s what Gregg just did.
With so many weak-kneed leaders in business and politics today, Gregg has just provided an incredibly strong leadership example. If you can’t wake up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror in good conscience, then you’re doing something wrong. There’s a right way and a wrong way in life. Gregg chose the right way.
You know what? He ought to think very seriously about a presidential run. I mean it. This is an act of courage. That’s what we need.
National Review predicts Obama's response: "This is not the Judd Gregg I knew."