Thursday, January 12, 2006

Terrorist Win in Steven Spielberg's Movie Munich

Charles Krauthammer, the Washington Post columnist, gives his take on Steven Spielberg new movie Munich . The movie is about the Israeli retaliation against Palestinian terrorist who were responsive for killing 11 Jewish athletes at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. The Movie shows how the Israeli government hunted down the terrorist and killed them one by one. The Israel's are not portrayed by Spielberg in a favorable light. To quote Krauthammer:

" Munich, the massacre, had only modest success in launching the Palestinian cause with the blood of 11 Jews. ``Munich,'' the movie, has now made that success complete 33 years later. Munich'' now enjoys high cinematic production values and the imprimatur of Steven Spielberg, no less, carrying the original terrorists' intended message to every theater in the world. "

To read the entire column click on the title above for a link to Krauthammer's complete column.

The Israel's were right and Bush is right to hunt down terrorist and kill them one by one and no movie however well made can change that. Israel is at war against terrorist and so is the United States.... and we will both win!!