Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Battle of Princeton ....Or how Ted Kennedy became a joke!

Great column in the Wall Street Journal regarding the Alito hearings in the US Senate and how the Democratic smear tactics have failed.

"The grand hulk of Ted Kennedy ranted that he wanted to subpoena the papers of former National Review publisher William Rusher to get to the bottom of Samuel Alito's membership in the Concerned Alumni of Princeton. At this moment, one sensed that perhaps at last the ghost of Robert Bork had finally been laid to rest. Borking was once a Democratic smear tactic. This week--amid intellectually exhausted and politically befuddled Democrats--it became a laugh track."

To read the entire column click on the title above for a link

PS Back in 1972 as a law student at the University of Oregon I picked up William Rusher at the Eugene airport when he came to town to give a speech at the University of Oregon. I got to drive him to his events , introduced him at his speech and took him to dinner after the speech. I and several other students took him back to his motel room and watched a taped broadcast of his TV show "The Advocates", which was broadcast that night on TV, in which William Rusher and a guy by the name of Michael Dukakis argued a case on public policy in a mock trial format.As I reacall the show was on PBS.