Friday, February 23, 2007

Rachel Bachman's Snotty Article

Today Rachel Bachman a sports reporter for the Portland Oregonian wrote a sports news story on the fact that Pat Kilkenny, the new Athletic Director at Oregon did not get his college degree. The sub headline states "UO's athletic director must encourage athletes to graduate, even though he did not do so himself" I am not posting a link to the story as it is not worth your time to read. However the end of the story she quotes some one as saying: "If a student-athlete comes up and says, 'I want to get out of college,'and he says, 'No, you really should stay, and they say, 'Well you didn't finish,' he should have a good answer,"

I propose this as an answer for Pat Kilkenny:

Since leaving the University of Oregon I founded a multimillion dollar insurance company and have earned millions of dollars.

I have given good jobs to hundreds of people with college degrees.

I have donated generously to my University.

My name is attached to University athletic facilities.

I have been asked to serve on many prestigious boards at more than one University.

At the request of the President of my University I have agreed to serve for two years without pay in a job for which he drafted me.

In spite of all of the above a sports reporter for a state wide newspaper saw fit to write an entire story on the fact I did not get my college degree.

So stay in school and get your degree as there is more than one kind of prejudice in this world.