Governor Rick Perry of Texas will be running for President before the leaves fall and will be a MAJOR candidate. If you want information about him click on the title for a link to the Texas Monthly web site called "The Perry Trove" where they have linked their extensive news stories on Rick Perry. I have a "wait and see" attitude about him but he very well could go all the way. Any political junkie will want to spend some time reading up on him.
A few interesting quotes from the "Dear Yankee" article:
5. Perry is not a male hair model. The late Molly Ivins coined the nickname Governor Goodhair, and it has stuck, especially with ?liberals and journalists from up north. It is true that Perry has a much-remarked-upon coif, but don’t let this lead you to assume that he’s soft, or feckless, like that other recent walking shampoo ad, John Edwards. Perry is a hard man.......
6. Perry is from the middle of nowhere. The first place you need to go to understand Perry is Paint Creek, where he grew up. Paint Creek is not a town. It’s a watercourse that runs through the cotton fields of southern Haskell County. Perry’s parents were tenant farmers, and not just tenant farmers but dryland farmers, which is as hard as farming gets.......In the interview, Perry also described taking baths in the number two washtub and using an outhouse until his father built indoor plumbing in his early years. “We were rich,” Perry said, “but not in material things. I had miles and miles of pasture, a Shetland pony, and a dog. . . . I spent a lot of time just alone with my dog. A lot.”
What an interesting summer this has become.