Now..... this is a ticket I can wholeheartedly support !
WILLIAM KRISTOL has been promoting this on the Weekly Standard web site and on Fox News Sunday. The following is from his web site at the Weekly Standard:
Take fifteen minutes for the sake of your country.
Take one minute to watch Paul Ryan on the floor of the House Thursday (you can also read the text below).
Take fourteen minutes to watch Marco Rubio on the floor of the Senate Saturday (you can also read the text below).
And tell me why it isn’t even more obvious today than it was at the beginning of the year that the 2012 ticket should be Ryan-Rubio.
(Click on the title for a link)

Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post:
Republican presidential candidates were basically nowhere to be found during the debt ceiling debate, or confined themselves to coy and cryptic comments. Not exactly profiles in leadership.” Two words: Ryan-Rubio!