Click on the title for a New York Times story on the new Pac-12 TV Network. There will be 6 regional networks and one national. The 6 regional will be Washington, Oregon, N Cal, S Cal, Arizona and Colorado/Utah. Each regional channel will pair the two Pac 12 schools in the region. For Example: Oregon will have Oregon and Oregon State. The regional networks will be carried on the lower tier of cable companies such as basic, expanded basic and digital. The national channel will be a upper tier channel that will cost most cable subscribers an addition fee. Click on the title for a link to the New York Times story
It looks like the Oregon regional provider will be "good old" Comcast which in the past has prevented most of us in Southern Oregon from getting Duck games and other sports programing because of their refusing to give Charter, our local cable provider, a reasonable rate. Let's hope not ! Will Southern Oregon Duck fans be scr**ed again ?