This last weekend we had a garage sale. Every three or four years we have one to empty out our two car garage that only has room for one car. I enjoy the actual sale but it is a lot of work getting ready before and after the sale. Our son come home to help us with the sale and the three of us spent many hours in preparation.
The Countdown:
Sunday July 3.... Spent 6 hours going through garage on a hot day determining what would be kept, what would go in garbage and what would be put for the sale.
Monday July 4...... Took day off from getting ready for garage sale
Tuesday July 5...... After work spent the evening going through the rest of the house pulling out those items that would be used for the sale. Put ad in local newspaper and on Craig's List.
Wednesday July 6...... After work we had a "poster party" making signs to be posted around the neighborhood using magic markers.
Thursday July 7.......After work put together shelves, put up our large canopy for shade, and got the tables ready to display the merchandise.
Friday July 8........ After work put out all the merchandise and priced it. After dark put up signs in strategic areas around the neighborhood.
Saturday July 9...... GAME DAY..... got up early for 8 am opening. My wife hates these sales so she went to Donut Country to get our "sustance" as my son and I ran the sale. My brother-in- law was also there to help along with his friend. My friend, Shaun, brings by some Subways for lunch. Thanks! People are funny at these sales. We had everything priced very low and still some wanted a barter. Some were very insulted when we wouldn't go as low at they thought we should.For example, my wife had put her quilting magazines in packages of 10 each and priced them at $.50 per package. One lady offered $3.00 for all ten packages and my wife came back at $4.00 and the lady acted insulted and stomped away. On the other end we sold a lot of stuff. You can tell we are in a recession because while we had a steady stream of people there was not the "mob" of people we have had in other years. At the end of the day we still had not sold two desks we did not want to put back into the garage.
Sunday July 10...... Overnight our son put pictures of the desks on Craig's List and we sold them on Sunday at the price we wanted to people who would appreciate them. We had a good sale on Sunday to limit the items we had to put back in the garage.
After the sale on Sunday we picked up signs and spent 5 hours in a hot garage moving things around, taking down the garage sale, making a Goodwill pile, a "dump pile" and a Craig's List pile.