The battle over increasing the deb limit is much greater than that ..... it is the battle for the soul of America.
Jay Cost of the Weekly Standard:
Thus, our deficit battle today is not simply about getting taxes and discretionary spending to sync up once again. It’s about dealing, for once and all, with the irresponsibility of the last fifty years, when time and again politicians in both parties have piled new obligations on to an unsustainable welfare state, leaving the bills to come due long after they have gone to meet their maker....
So, what we should see over time is increased partisanship – as the zero-sum policy battles over the deficit reinforce the ideological divide that separates Democrats from Republicans. The GOP has long been the party of the “full dinner pail,” beliving that mass prosperity comes from the promotion of capitalism, meaning a tax structure that facilitates wealth creators. The Democrats have long promoted a redistributionist ideology on behalf of the “humble members of society” -- from Bryan to Wilson, FDR, LBJ, and now Obama. As the deficit forces Washington D.C. either to raise taxes or cut spending, those ideological lines will only grow sharper.
The question is will the moderates find another " Missouri Compromise" ( Read McConnell Plan)which will just kick the can farther down the road or will we stand here and now and say NO MORE DEBT..... will we cut up the credit cards !
Tim Pawlenty:
If we don’t get people in Washington D.C. to take this seriously and actually make the tough decisions — they always say ‘Oh, we’re going to make the tough decisions. We’ll do it. We’ll do it’, and then they never do,”
“The only way you’re going to get people to do something tough is to put their backs up against the wall,”