Friday, July 06, 2012

Andy Griffith, John Wayne & Rio Bravo

Chris Conrad, in today's Tempo in the Medford Mail Tribune, has a wonderful column about his grandmother, The Andy Griffith Show, John Wayne and the movie Rio Bravo that is worth reading. One quote:

What I liked most about "The Andy Griffith Show" was it's meandering plots that would echo some of my favorite movies. I would later learn that the show was loosely modeled after "High Noon" — the unshakable sheriff holding court in a small town — but the western it most resembled was the Howard Hawks and John Wayne masterpiece "Rio Bravo."

"Rio Bravo," released a year before "The Andy Griffith Show" debuted, told the story of a lackadaisical sheriff, played nicely by The Duke, who was ambivalent toward the idea settling down with one women, and his bumbling deputy Stumpy, embodied by the great Walter Brennan.
To read the rest here is a link:

Rio Bravo - Dean Martin & Ricky Nelson & Walter Brennan  with the Duke! Watch my favorate scene in the movie.