I like Rick Santorum he is a good and decent man; but, his candidacy for the Republican nomination is disintegrating before our very eyes. Each of Mitt Romney's opponents, who have surged ahead of him in the polls, have done the same thing.
First, was Rick Perry who showed he was unprepared.
Second, was Herman Cain who had problems with his past "skirt chasing" issues.
Third, was Newt Gingrich who was...... well, Newt Gingrich.
Now, we have Rick Santorum and his religious beliefs that he openly discuses when he should be talking about the deficit.
The latest reports about a speech Santorum gave four years ago in 2008 at Ave Maria University in Florida where he said that Satan is destroying academia, politics, and the Protestant Church just confirms it. Regardless of whether you believe that or not, there is no way he will be elected President of the United States in 2012. This speech will just confirm to many Americans that Santorum is some kinda "religious nut." Americans for the most part are very uncomfortable discussing religion and don't want their political leaders discussing it other than in a very superficial way. They want their leaders to say "God bless America" go to church on Sunday/Saturday , pray and profess "Divine Guidance;" but, other than that they want their politcal leaders to deal in the secular world. In polite secular society people don't discuss their religious beliefs. Mitt Romny understands this! He has very strong religious beliefs but you won't see him discussing them.
Not only that, but Santorum in the Ave Maria University speech seems to be saying the devil has taken over academia and the mainline Protestants Churches. Now, I don't think the Republicans are going to get many votes in academia but mainline Protestant churches are another thing.
Click on the title for a link to an audio of Sanatorium's speech.