Jeffrey H. Anderson of National Review Online wants Paul Ryan to run and explains why:
Ryan can unite the GOP’s tea-party and establishment wings. Despite her merits, Bachmann represents a fringe subset of the Tea Party as one of only nine House Republicans who opposed raising the debt ceiling even in connection with “Cut, Cap, and Balance.” Conversely, Romney represents the complacent part of the establishment that doesn’t give the impression that the repeal of Obamacare is really all that important. Meanwhile, Ryan represents the majority of Republicans — whether tea-party sympathizers or not — who sensibly reject both of these poles....
This time around, as we approach what’s likely to be the most important presidential election at least since 1864, Republicans cannot afford to nominate anyone other than their best and brightest — and the best and brightest can’t afford to sit it out. The fate of Obamacare, and more broadly of limited government and liberty, too clearly hangs in the balance.
Americans deserve to have 2012 feature Paul Ryan versus Barack Obama, locked in a battle for the future — and the soul — of the country.
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