Yesterday, my wife and I played hooky from the the office and drove to Grants Pass for a jet boat lunch trip on the Rogue River. We got to Grants Pass and got our tickets and looked around the large gift store with home decoration items
We then got on the boat with about 50 other people and headed down the Rogue River to "Hellgate." It was a nice day but not too hot.
Once on the river and into the "wilderness" the Presidential campaign and recession seemed a million miles away. The boat captain kept up a constant commentary we had heard before.( We have taken this trip many times) At the start of the trip you see the "Million Dollar" homes that have river frontage in the Grants Pass area. At least at one time they were worth that much.You then head into the "wilderness" area and the captain does some "circles" with the boat to get everyone wet. I got very wet sitting on the outside seat. My shirt was drenched but dried by the time we go to the OK Corral for lunch.We saw an American Eagle and other birds.
We then sailed through "Hellgate" and saw where a number of movies have been made including John Wayne's "Roster Cogburn" with Katherine Hepburn. We then turned around and went back through "Hellgate" again and stopped at a lodge type building high above the river called the "OK Corral" for a lunch of BBQ chicken.
We then headed back to the boat for the trip to Grants Pass and of course got wet again as the boat captain caused the boat to stop quickly or turn on a dime. When we got back to Grants Pass we bought a picture of all of us on the boat taken by the Excursion Company.