I was "tea party" before there was a Tea Party. And now, our liberal friends are calling the tea party "members" "terrorist" or "bomb throwers" or "the dark side."
So let me admit my "terrorist" past. I have always been for limited government. I became a conservative when I read Barry Goldwater's "Conscience of a Conservative". I walked door to door for Goldwater in 1964. I voted for Reagan for President in the primary or general elections in 1968,1976,1980 and 1984.I voted libertarian in 1972 when Nixon ran for reelection and for John Ashcraft, of Ohio in the Oregon presidential primary that year.
I wasn't at the Cow Palace in San Francisco in 1964 when the conservatives took control of the Republican party but I was there in spirit.
I may be more practical politically then some of my tea party compatriots but they have my heart and no amount of name calling by the left will deter those of us who believe in limited government. I am proud to stand with them and we have only just begun to fight !
Sarha Palin:
"if tea partiers were terrorist he (Obama) would pal around with us !