Tuesday, June 30,2009
We got up very early at out daughters condo for the 10 hour car trip to see our son who is a graduate student in history at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. We headed out of Washington DC and drove up into Maryland over much the same route as the Union army on the way to Gettysburg. We then drove through the mountains that shielded the Southern Army on it's invasion of Pennsylvania. We passed through Hagerstown where Robert E Lee made the decision to swing his army around to meet the Northern forces at a small cross roads town called Gettysburg. We then headed out into the Maryland pan handle that seems to go on forever. On the way to Kentucky we are taking the "Northern Route". On the way back we will take the "Southern Route"
Our daughter drives the entire trip in her Ford compact . We drive into West Virginia and pass through Morganstown, home of the West Virginia University Mountaineers and on to the state Capitol of Charleston and then on to Huntington home of "We are Marshall."
We arrive in Lexington Kentucky and check into the Holiday Inn Express near the University of Kentucky campus. We call our son who comes by the motel and picks us up for a tour of campus. He showes us the History Department in the tall tower building pictured above and shows us the library where he spens a great deal of time. We have dinner at a campus "dive" and then see our son's campus apartment. He has spent all day cleaning it up. He then takes us to the University of Kentucky football stadium pictured above. After a 10 hour car trip we are dead tired so he takes us back to the motel with plans to see him in the morning. As tired as I am it is really good to see him.