Sunday,July 5,2009
We got us late on Sunday. Both my wife and daughter had bad colds and we had to cancel a get together with my brother-in-law who lives in Maryland with his wife and son. In addition, I was hobbled with a sore left ankle after my long July 4th hike around Washington DC and had sunburn on my legs as well so I wasn't feeling very spry myself. We sat around our daughters condo and watched the Sunday News shows to see what the political pundits had to say about Sarah Palin and her resignation announcement.I hope I am wrong but it makes no sense to me why she would resign before her term as Governor was up. My wife and I then took a mid-day walk (I walked very slow) down to the Eastern Market on Capitol Hill.(See pictures above) It is an old building that has been rebuild as a market where vendors sell food, and craft items.The place was very crowded having just reopened after a fire. We walked around looking at the crafts and had a nice brunch at a restaurant nearby. I bought some pictures of the Lincoln Memorial from a vendor and we then hiked back to our daughters condo and joined her in watching the movie "The Greatest Show on Earth" We then read the Washington Post I had picked up at the Eastern Market and then cleaned up the condo. We packed our bags and went to bed early because we had to get up early for the long trip home.