"It's hard to know whether President Obama's health care "reform" is naive, hypocritical or simply dishonest. Probably all three."
Who said that? Rush Limbaugh, Shaun Hannity, Newt Gingrich? No, Robert Samuelson the economics columnist for NEWSWEEK magazine. To quote from the column:
It's hard to know whether President Obama's health care "reform" is naive, hypocritical or simply dishonest. Probably all three. The president keeps saying it's imperative to control runaway health spending. He's right. The trouble is that what's being promoted as health care "reform" almost certainly won't suppress spending and, quite probably, will do the opposite.....
The one certain consequence of expanding insurance coverage is that it would raise spending. When people have insurance, they use more health services. That's one reason why Obama's campaign proposal was estimated to cost $1.2 trillion over a decade (the other reason is that the federal government would pick up some costs now paid by others). Indeed, the higher demand for health care might raise costs across the board, increasing both government spending and private premiums.
To read the rest of the column click on the title for a link