(Writen Saturday morning the day after) On Friday I arrived at the Rogue Valley Country Club about 8:30 AM and met up with other volunteers and unloaded cars and trucks of the items needed for the silent and oral auctions. We moved it all up to the second floor of the club house to where the dinner auction would be held. We then set up for the golf tournament registration. "IowahawkDuck" and I each brought our 8 feet high blow up Oregon Ducks and set them up in the registration area. I had printed up an information flyer on the oral auction so I distributed them to the 30 or so golf carts that would be used that day so the golfers would be able to get an advanced look at what would be in the auction. I then put them on the tables for the golfers lunch on the RVCC's veranda. We sold the golfers "mulligans" while they registered. "Iowa" and I then had lunch. The bus from Eugene arrived with the coaches and staff of the University of Oregon Athletic Department. Jim Bartko
Executive Senior Associate AD made the trip. Jim got his start here in Medford as our Duck Athletic Fund Representative oh so many year ago.
After lunch we cleaned up the registration area as the golfers hit the course and moved the 8 foot blow up Ducks to the RVCC Ballroom. Joe, Dave, Jim D and his wife, and I then spent about 3 1/2 hours setting up the Ballroom for the Dinner/Auction with most of the time setting up the silent auction of 64 items.Mr & Mrs "O" helped decorate up the room and were a very nice addition to our group of volunteers I then drove by the office and picked up my wife and rushed home for a quick shower. My wife and I returned to the dinner about 5:20 PM and helped coordinate the ladies who handled dinner registration along with the folks who were helping me with the oral and silent auctions.After dinner head basketball coach Ernie Kent spoke followed by new head football coach Chip Kelly.The normaly noisy room was very quit when Coach Kelly spoke. This is his second trip to Medford since he was announced as our new Head Coach and he is a big hit with Medford fans and fans here in Southern Oregon. While the oral auction was being conducted we closed the silent auction in three stages and moved the silent auction items from the Ballroom to the cashier room and helped the ladies who had changed from working on the dinner registration to now working as cashiers for the auction. After the oral auction was over I helped the cashiers deliver the oral and silent auction items to the winners. After the dinner we packed up all of our equipment and were out the door of the Rogue Valley Country Club about 9:45 pm. During the day I had met a lot of nice Duck fans and had some very good help from "Iowa," my wife, Mr & Mrs 'O" and a lot of other volunteers. We had a lot of people who worked on the Golf Tournament portion of the event led by "Dave S".
Don't have the final figures but hopefully we raised some funds for University of Oregon Athletics.
After two years without a Duck Athletic Fund Representative, here in Medford, to help us put on the event, it was good to have Joe Ancell stationed down here . His help made the event even better.
Next year we will be back for Duffin 2010! Let's Go Ducks