Last night my wife,daughter and I went to Costco in Medford doing some Christmas shopping and I found something my daughter said had my name on it!
It's a great book called "University of Oregon Football Vault." It is a combination coffee table size book and scrap book all in color. It has great large color pictures and Duck memorabilia in pockets on the pages in the book. For example, a pocket card that is the same as the Cotton Bowl program.
For example one page will have postcards with pictures of a bowl program, another a miniature cloth pennant, and another, football cards like they give out at the games and so much more. These memorabilia envelopes are attached to pages of photos and narrative on the history of Ducks football.
It all comes in a nice box with color images of Ducks that encloses the book as a tight fitting book slip cover. Under $30.00 at Costco.
It's also available on Amazon.com. Click on the title for a link to Amazon's page on the book. Last report they still had about 75 here in Medford at Costco.
On the way out the cashier and the lady who checks receipts at the door both said they were selling like hot cakes! Unfortunately my wife grabbed it as we got home and is wrapping it as one of my Christmas presents.... so I can't look at it til Christmas Eve.
No I have no financial interest in this book.
Merry Christmas and Go Ducks!