This weekend my wife and I continued the process of getting ready for Christmas. We put up our tree and decorated inside the house last weekend. Today I went out early and raked leaves... lots of leaves.Sure wish the kids were home to help. :) After raking leaves I put up our outdoor Christmas Lights. I got a head start Friday night. I put up about 30 strings of lights and seven light up figures such as a snow man and Santa. Sure wish the kids were home to help.:) If you saw National Lampoons Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase you get the picture.I finished up in the dark about 8:30 pm. It was hard work but looks nice for the kids when they come home for Christmas in a few weeks.This time of year it gets so dark and dreary .... I find Christmas lights help fight the dreariness. As I was in and out putting up the lights I kept abreast of the college football scores. Sunday we plan on going to the Festival of the Trees at the Armory. People from the community decorate trees and auction them off to raise money for a local hospital. After the auction the trees are kept on display for the weekend. After that we plan on doing some Christmas shopping. In the next few weeks we need to get out our Christmas cards, and do the rest of our shopping. This is a very busy time of the year. Merry Christmas.