Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Wal-Mart DVD Bargain Bin

One of my guilty pleasures is the $5.50 DVD bargain bin at Wal-Mart stores. Now, normally I have a love/ hate relationship with Wal-Mart.. I hate the dirty stores and the crying kids but I like the cheap prices. In any case, I routinely go to Wal-Mart to check out their DVD's. I have always been a collector of something an now I am collecting DVD Movies. For the uninitiated Wal- Mart near their electronics department has a bin in the middle of the isle approximately 4 foot by 4 foot and 4 feet tall with hundreds of DVD's piled in it in a big heap. The are not stacked but piled up in a tangled mess. In order to look you have to dig into the pile looking for that "classic". Most people dig for a few minutes and wander off. I like to dig to the bottom of the pile. One of the problems in digging to the bottom is "cave ins". I have seen some people who fill up a shopping basket to get to the bottom. When there is more than one customer "digging" there is always the problem of where do you put the DVD's that you have already looked at and rejected. You don't want to cave in your neighbor's hole. In any case it's been a while since I found one of those classic finds. But I can still remember the days I found Gary Busy's The Buddy Holly Story or Richard Gere's Yanks, or Clint Eastwood's Bridges of Madison County. I have links to my DVD collection below in the July archives.