Thursday, August 25, 2005

Jefferson in Paris

Last night my son, wife and I rewatched our DVD of Jefferson in Paris. This is a wonderful film. I loved the music and the story deals with so many issues, such as freedom,the French Revolution, slavery, the nature of man, love, and how complicated a man Jefferson was. It deals with the period of time after the American Revolution but before Jefferson was President while he was US ambassador to France during the early period of the French Revolution. He met an English/Italian woman who he fell in love with and had at least a platonic relationship with and it deals with his alleged relationship with his black slave Sally Hemings.I didn't agree with everything in the movie: but, it sure was a sincere attempt to bring the man and period to life. Even if he didn't father a child with Sally he kept her as a slave and do how you reconcile that with his beliefs is interesting and complicated..It's too bad there are so few movies about The Founders and great leaders of of the United States. In fact, when was the last time there was a good theatrical movie about Abraham Lincoln or George Washington or John Adams, or Benjamin Franklin or the signing of the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Sure John Ford, did Young Mr Lincoln in 1939 and there is Abe Lincoln of Illinois in 1940. There are a few TV movies but no major theatrical movie since 1940. There is even less on George Washington. Again a few TV movies and mini series but no major movie about the father of our country. We have recently had major movies abou Ray Charles, Bobbie Darren , Cole Porter,which I liked, but certainly these werenot as important men as those I listed above. There are two recent movies about Steve Prefontaine ( my family was in a crowd shot of Without Limits.... the other was Prefontaine). Again, I liked these movies but I knew Steve and he was no George Washington. The only recent theatrical movie about the Declaration of Independence is the Musical 1776 done in 1972(I have it on DVD and watch every 4th of July) ;but, no serious movie of one of the most dramatic moments in US history. For more information on Jefferson In Paris go: to