( Outrageous placard from teachers union protest in Wisconsin against Republican Governor Walker)
The public employee/teachers protest in Wisconsin may be the beginning of the end or the "high tide" for public employees unions in this country. I have long been critical of the alliance between Democratic politicians and public employee unions and believe they are driving this county into insurmountable debt that threaten to destroy the United States through debt. For too long these public employee unions have had too much power and were a threat to our democracy. It works this way..... the public employee unions with a large block of voters and money an money from mandatory dues supports Democrat politicians who then seek to expand government creating more public employees and expanding their benefits at the expense of the private sector to a point the private sector and non public workers become the slave to the public sector. The public employee unions have become the Robber Barons" and Monopolies/Business Trusts of our past and we need a Teddy Roosevelt to bust* them. (*Break up their power... Roosevelt was known as the trust buster)
There of course is a need for unions but there needs to be balance between the competing interest in this country and when one group gets too much power to overpower other interest it hurts our economy and democracy.