For the first time in about 10 years there will be a JOINT "Civil War" lunch between the Oregon Club of Southern Oregon and the Oregon State fans in Southern Oregon. The clubs had joint lunchs for many years but about 10 years ago there was a fight between a Duck fan and a Beaver fan over in Klamath Falls at a joint function leading up to the "Civil War" football game between the University of Oregon and Oregon State University. As a result both universities withdrew support for the joint meeting. Both groups of fans continued to have "Civil War" functions, just not joint! Well, last year the Oregon Club of Southern Oregon on it's own approached the Beavers and their AD said no. This year the clubs got together with the passive support of the two schools and will have a joint lunch of friendly rivalry. Last I heard there were 295 fans scheduled for Medford's Red Lion Hotel at 11:45 today.
Go Ducks beat the Beavers!
"Mighty Oregon"
Oregon, our Alma Mater
We will guard thee on and on
Let us gather round and cheer her
Chant her glory Oregon
Roar the praises of her warriors
Sing the story Oregon
On to victory urge the heroes
Of our mighty Oregon!
Go Ducks Go!
Fight Ducks Fight!
Win Ducks Win!
“OSU may fight to the end, but we… will… win!”