Click on the title to a link to an ugly scene on you tube in Tuscon Arizona after the Oregon Ducks beat the Arizona Wildcats in double overtime 44 to 41. The Oregon players came over to the Oregon fans section to thank them for coming to the game, as the do at all away games, and the Arizona fans started to throw full plastic bottles at the players and other staff. I counted at least 12 bottles being thrown in a very short period . An Oregon female cheer leader was hit on the head and fainted with what appeared to be a concussion. She was taken by ambulance to a local hospital for an MRI. There is NO excuse for this. Before overtime when the Arizona fans though they were going to win the game they came in mass out of the stands on to the field an surrounded the playing field and created a very dangerous situation. This is NOT the first time this has happened in Tuscon and the University has not taken corrective action. Shame on them!