One of the great things about the Internet is no matter how long you explore it you are always discovering something new. Allmusic.com is the music equivalent of the Internet Movie Database (IMDB)Last week I discovered the Internet radio page for Pandora (see post below). While on Pandora I kept reading reviews of record (CD) albums and biography's of music artist and they kept refereeing to allmusic as the source. As a result I plugged "allmusic" into Google and found the site. This is what Wikipedia writes about the site:
Allmusic ... claims to have the world's largest digital archive of music, including approximately six million songs fully digitized, as well as the world's largest cover art library, with over half a million cover image scans.....Allmusic is also used to provide data including catalog data, artist biographies, album reviews, related artist information, playlist
Allmusic has biography's and discography's for just about every artist and reviews for most of their albums. It's a great source of information and reviews to use before you purchase a CD or a reference source while you are listening to the Cd's you own. Click on the title for a link