For most fans of University of Oregon football the Super Bowl on Super Sunday is not the most important event of the coming week. Letter of Intent Day on Wednesday is!
"National Letter of Intent Day" is when 17 and 18 year old high school seniors ( and some Jr. College students) sign letters of intent to play football for colleges all over America and as a result receive a college scholarship. College football coaches have been beating the pavement meeting with these kids and their parents for the last 5 months or so. They have visited campus and this is the day they fax in their letters to the college team of their choice. Many have given verbal commitments already, but they are not binding till the faxed letter is received on Wednesday February 4th , 2009. If verbal commitments are to be believed the Oregon Ducks have received about 20 verbals from some all star athletes and this should be a great year in recruiting for the Oregon Ducks. Each college has several fan web sites devoted to the college recruiting campaign and "Letter of Intent Day" is the election day for the recruiting returns. College football fans are on "pins and needles" waiting for the decision of these high school seniors. So college football is not over. Letter of intent day is 3 days after the Super Bowl. To see how the Ducks are doing click on the heading above for a link to "eDuck" the Oregon fan web site and click on "Football Recruiting" and follow the links to more information on these kids than you will ever want to know. It has a list of all of Oregon's "Verbals" to date. I will post the results here on Wednesday Go Ducks!
And, you thought football was over after Sunday!