Tonight sports reporter Rachel Bachman of the Oregonian is reporting:
After more than six years of site-searching and donor-coaxing, Legislature-pitching and revenue-projecting, University of Oregon basketball arena planners finally arrived at their gateway day: permit-securing.
A 12-day window for appeals of the project's conditional-use permit closed at 5 p.m. Wednesday. The permit, issued earlier this month by an independent hearings official, clears the way for workers to begin building a $200 million replacement for 82-year-old McArthur Court.
Click on the title for a link to Bachman's complete report which detail the long painful drawn out process it has taken to make the arena project a reality.
Special thanks is due University of Oregon President Dave Frohnmayer, Athletic Director Pat Kilkenny, Jim Bartko and of course Phil Knight. With out all of their extraordinary efforts this project would still be a pipe dream. Every Duck fans owes them a big thanks!